School Community Group AGM
Where: Staffroom @ Nelson Central School
When: 7pm, Tuesday 25 March 2025
Election of members
Annual accounts
General business
You are all most welcome to come along to this meeting
Email: for more information
Restorative Approaches to Problem Solving Workshop
In the Library at Nelson Central School. RSVP to
Whānau Connect Hui 2025
Booking for a whānau connect hui - information will come out in the new year. All children are expected to have a booked meeting with their teacher. Children will be marked absent if they do not attend.

Leaver's Assembly
Celebrate our Year 6 graduating akonga at NCMA. Followed by a pool party/barbeque.

Year 6 Production- Pirates of the CurryBean
Our Year 6 production- don’t miss this spectacular show. Tickets will be available December.

Year 6 Production- Pirates of the CurryBean
Our Year 6 production- don’t miss this spectacular show. Tickets will be available December.

Term 4 Mihi Whakatau
An official welcome to all tamariki and whānau joining our school community.

Kapahaka Kuratahi regional competition
Tamariki Toa will perform in the 11am bracket. More details to come.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is back for another year! Come to the library before or after school to browse the books available. This is a major fundraiser for our library.
Alongside this we will be holding “Book Week” - more details to come!
Daffodil Day
Dress in Yellow, bring a donation to support the Cancer Society. Come to assembly at 2:20 where we will have a sing-a-long with the school band.

Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations
An opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s learning progress with their teacher. Please book a time (booking link coming soon).
Term 3 Mihi Whakatau
An official welcome to all tamariki and whānau joining our school community.