Our Kaupapa
Nelson Central School provides high quality learning for primary aged children from years 0-6. Our vision is that children will flourish in their learning and flourish in their world; Kia matomato te tipu i te ao. This is achieved through the lenses of equity, excellence and belonging. What this looks like is seen through our 5 Cs.
Our tamariki support one another in their learning and in the school community. They demonstrate tuakana-teina, with older learners supporting younger. They speak kindly and politely. They watch out for one another and invite others to join in.
Shared experiences and working together provides tamariki with a sense of belonging, and develop rights and obligations, which also serve to strengthen each member of the group.
Our ākonga are curious to explore the world around them. They ask questions, make connections and seek understanding. They are not afraid to challenge their thinking and seek clarification.
Our children are able to take risks, to be leaders and role models. They recognise that mistakes are part of learning and that stepping out of your comfort zone can take you to new places in your learning.
Our tamariki learn about their place in the world and their responsibilities to it. This can mean at different levels, whether in our classrooms, our kura, our local community or the wider world. They recognise that even small actions make a difference and feel empowered to build a world in which they can flourish.
Some of the pathways we use to reach these 5 C’s are:
English Medium
We offer learning through English Medium. These classes aim to provide opportunities for regular learning in te reo Māori.
Te Pouahi Māori Medium
We offer learning through our Te Pouahi classes of Level 2 Māori immersion (50-80% of learning is in te reo Māori).
We are proud to be an Enviroschool, learning through the lens of sustainability to promote healthy communities and environments.
HERO app
Parents can keep track of their children's learning through HERO.